Forging Truth Cover

I cannot even begin to describe the wonder I feel each time I look at this amazing cover.  As anyone who has seen my self-made cover to my other story, Dangerous Hunts, can tell you, covers are pretty tough to do on your own.  In fact, I have had several people comment on the blandness of it.  Of course, no one actually comes right out and says it.  No, I take it back, a couple of professionals said it, after I solicited their honest opinions.

The thing that any one of my indy author pals will tell you, though, is that paying to have a professional-looking cover made can cost you.  I’ve seen pricing anywhere from $100 to $400+ for cover art.  For this cover, though, I didn’t even pay a fraction of the price.

So, from where did I commission it?  From the highly talented Staci Perkins at!.  Check out the link for her other covers.  She also has some pre-made covers up for grabs and she does some pretty sweet contests to boot.  I’ll be picking up some buttons and a banner closer to release.  Drop her a line to tell her just how awesome my cover turned out.

And it did turn out ninety-nine percent the way I’ve been picturing it in my noggin for all these years.  She even surprised me on a few things.  I sent her a description of how Lady Liberty looked, and she altered this beautiful pic right down to the destroyed wreck you see before you.  Amazing.

Okay, that’s enough for this update.  Stay tuned for more info on release dates, etc.

Oh, and publisher:  If you’d like a copy of the manuscript, you better hurry.  I plan on self-publishing it by year’s end.  No pressure.

– Ray

Keepin’ you covered.

Thank You Thursday – Willie Freeman

Ok, it’s Thank You Thursday on a Friday.  I started typing this during the day, yesterday.  I was going to finish the saved draft last night, but I got to playing around with some of my new birthday toys.  🙂

Before I start, be sure to check out this website:

While their page is still being constructed, they have still managed to put together a list of awesome talent (including myself *ahem*). 

This, as you know from my previous blog post, is the homepage of Incubator Press ran by Willie Freeman.  Willie is a man who has grabbed hold of a huge undertaking and is trying his best to bring the beast down.  If he tames it, it’ll be wonderful for all involved.  If it refuses to be tamed, well . . . it sure won’t be for lack of trying.

For months now (and no telling how long behind the scenes), Willie has been chipping away at the standard comic publishing model.  It’s his goal to pickup struggling, novice writers and artists and give them the tools and support they need to get started in today’s market.  While not everything has gone super smooth for him, things are starting to pull together into a cohesive shape.

 So, thank you, Willie for doing this – not just for me, but for all the others like myself who have been craving this opportunity our entire lives. 

Next time, I’ll try to be on time.

– Ray

Thank You Thursday: Corrina Lawson

I first met Corrina on the You’ll All Be Sorry forum over at  She was a heartfelt presence there – so much so that she was later elevated to Mod.  She’s insightful and kind.

When I finally joined the multitude on Twitter, the first thing I did was followed as many of my friends from YABS as I could.  Twitter’s conversational manner added to our friendship.  In fact, other than seeing her post on YABS, we hadn’t had too much direct contact over the years prior. 

Corrina is a fellow writer (check out my friends page for her blog and more on Corrina).  As I posted on my struggles and accomplishments on YABS and Twitter, she has been right there to help pump me up.  I see her doing this with other YABSers and fledgling writers without hesitation.

One day, while feeling particularly underappreciated as a writer, I sent Corrina a DM, asking if she would mind reading over my query letter.  She said she would, and within weeks, she had some suggestions.  After that, she asked that I send her my first three chapters. 

I wasn’t expecting much with her busy schedule (publishing and a houseful of kids), so I was thoroughly surprised and ecstatic when I again received an email with suggestions and critiquing that was both encouraging and hardcore at the same time.

I am currently in the process of thinking through these suggestions and while it’s pretty daunting, it’s also very much rewarding to know that others see the merits in my work, the potential for a polished and organized novel in my manuscript.

So, thank you, Corrina.  Hope I can return the favor someday.

– Ray