This was my Halloween column for last year.  I really had fun putting it together.  Gail Simone even said it was a fun column, and that just made my day all around.  On a side note, assuming everything finishes loading, this will mark the first time Nothing to See Here has had something to “see.”


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Well, here we are again, staring another Halloween straight in its hand-carved, smiling orange face.  Halloween is the first official day of Candy Season – You know, the one that lasts through Christmas, takes a small break, and then comes back with a vengeance around, say, February 1.  This time of year always sees the Masters’ candy bowl turn into an all-out, holiday free-for-all.  Dig your hand in, pull out a fistful, and examine the contents closely.

“What’d you get?”

“I got two Santas, a pumpkin, a bat, and some pastel hearts.”

Ah, good times.


But, it’s not enough that the candy industry freakin’ owns us all winter long, no, they have to incorporate licensed characters.  So, what, my lack of willpower wasn’t enough for you, Candy?  Now, you’ve got to hit my collectors’ sense of OCD, as well?  Fine, I’ll play your little game.


Halloween is also perhaps the best time for a fan – well, with the exception of convention season, of course; it’s when it’s totally acceptable to bust out your superhero costume.  It’s also kinda fun for those of us who enjoy wearing our underpants on the outside of our clothing.  If you’re a cosplayer, or into LARP, it’s probably just another day.  For the rest of us, we can finally take leave of our inhibitions – and in some cases, our senses – and bust out the homemade outfits.

If our seamstress skills are not up to speed, there are also countless stores and websites that specialize in everything from the little pink Supergirl costume for girls, to the tight skirts and almost non-existent tops for adults.

*     *     *

Halloween Tip #1:

Instead of candy that can rot the teeth and fatten the bellies of your neighborhood gouls and goblins, rummage through your long boxes, and dig out some comics you no longer want.  Grab a handful of duplicates.  Run to the comic shop and grab some quarter comics.  This year, drop something a little different into their pumpkin pales (or Batman heads); give them a real treat: Comics.

Halloween Tip #2:

Can’t decide on a costume?  Don’t have the money to spend?  You can always go as Conner Kent, A.K.A. Superboy.

*     *     *

Well, gang, I guess that wraps up this edition.  But guess what, I’ll be throwing in a special column for Halloween.  I’ll be talking with comic author Tom Stillwell about his Halloween one-shot, entitled Toy Boy: Strangers with Candy.  It’s gonna be fun.  Trust me.

Oh, I almost forgot, be sure to check out a Project Fanboy’s sneak peek of the DCU Halloween special here.

And, please, post some current or past Halloween pics in the comments section.  I’d love to see them.


Happy Halloween, everyone!
