20 Copies of Forging Truth

With only 60 hours left to reach my Kickstarter goal, I posted another update. Here’s the link:



Well, I received my order of 20 copies of Forging Truth. You would have thought it was Christmas around here. It might as well have been 200 copies, instead. My wife got a kick out of the fact that I made her feel how heavy the box was.

“Your books are pretty heavy.”

“I know.”

It’s a good feeling. My parents gave me $100 to go toward it. I’ll get to put some in a mom & pop store down the road. I have a few folks who have been waiting on me to get some more physical books, too. Also, I’m going to send one off to the powers-that-be at Books-a-Million to see about landing it on their regional author shelf. If so, I’ll get to do a book signing there, too.

Fingers crossed.

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